Delivering Traditional Food Programs:
What we learned from our literature scan of existing programs across the country
Thursday, February 15, 3pm-4pm EST
Registration here.
The Nourish Collaborative Project team on Traditional & Cultural Food Programs invites you to a conversation about their next steps in building capacity for delivering traditional and cultural food programs in health care. This will be a public webinar for anyone interested.
The team just completed a discovery phase exercise that involved a scan of 28 existing resources that link to accessing, processing and serving traditional foods. The team undertook this scan to better understand and learn from how others have addressed the need to build capacity to deliver culturally-safe food services that meet the needs of Indigenous patients and residents.
The team wanted to answer the questions:
- What guides related to Traditional Food Programs (TFPs) already exist?
- If guides already exist, what barriers persist in their uptake and how can our own project help to overcome those barriers?
Key findings from research led by team member Tessie Harris include:
- Legislation is a main barrier for TFPs, and varies greatly across the country
- Food safety is covered extensively and is the focus of many of the resources
- Coverage of Indigenous values and traditional knowledge is lacking
- No guide outlines clear steps for starting a TFP
The webinar will start with a short presentation on what the team has learned, including an overview of the surveyed resources. This will be followed by a facilitated discussion on where the team will go from here. Learn more about the team's project on their page.
Please join the team for an open conversation about next steps.
Register for the webinar here.