Nourish Montreal Events (Sept 5 & 6)

Nourish is hosting two events on September 5th and 6th in Montreal addressing food and health care through inspiring examples from Canada, the US, and Denmark. Please find the details below.

Event #1

Local and organic food in public institutions – Inspiration from Danish and American models

Wednesday, September 5, 8:30am

Local and organic food in public institutions event

On September 5, 2018 at 8:30 am, the Centre for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with Équiterre and Nourish, will be hosting a breakfast conference titled 'Local and organic food in public institutions – Inspiration from Danish and American models.'

Local and organic food procurement is the norm among hospitals, schools, and daycares in Copenhagen (Denmark), and in the United States.

Join us to hear about how these public institutions managed the transition and what their principal success factors were.

Through brief presentations, we will also discuss current food procurement practices in Quebec’s public institutions and what levers are necessary in order to make a similar transition.



Colleen Thorpe, Director of Educational Programs, Équiterre


  • Beth Hunter, Director of Nourish, McConnell Foundation (bilingual presentation)
  • Dr. Jens Kondrup, Retired Senior Physician in Clinical Nutrition, Cophenhagen Hospital Corporation Denmark (English presentation)
  • Skip Skivington, Vice President of Healthcare Continuity and Support Services, Kaiser Permanente (English presentation)
  • Murielle Vrins, Program Manager, Institutional Projects, Équiterre (French presentation)


Event #2

Local and organic food in public institutions – Inspiration from Danish and American models

Thursday, September 6, 12:00pm – 1:30pm

Connecting Food & Health Care Montreal Event

Join us to hear inspiring stories of transformative change towards nourishing and sustainable food in hospitals.

The event will take place at CHU Ste. Justine3175 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal. Please meet at room A918 to be directed to the meeting room. Questions? Contact Sophie Tremblay at 514-345-4931, ext. 4609

Presentations will be followed by a moderated discussion. A light lunch will be served, compliments of the CHU Sainte Justine food services, featuring local organic food.

Introduction and facilitation by Beth Hunter & Hayley Lapalme (Nourish / McConnell Foundation)


Josée Lavoie (French presentation)
Manager of Food services at CHU Sainte-Justine. Josée Lavoie is a dietician and director of food services at the CHU Sainte-Justine in Montreal, leading their prize-winning transformation to room service as well as initiatives to increase the local and organic food served.

Dr. Jens Kondrup (English presentation)
Retired Senior Physician and Head of Clinical Nutrition, Copenhagen Hospital Corporation, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Kondrup was the founder and long-time chairman of the Danish Society of Clinical Nutrition and was an active participant in the Cophenhagen House of Food, which increased procurement of organic food from 40 to 90% in the space of a few years.

Skip Skivington (English presentation)
Vice President, Healthcare Continuity and Support Services, Kaiser Permanente, United States. Kaiser Permanente is a US healthcare provider for over 13 million people. Skip Skivington has overseen much of Kaiser Permanente’s innovative work on sustainable and healthy food in hospitals, including a pledge to buy all of its food locally or from farms and producers that use sustainable practices and use antibiotics responsibly by 2025.

Click here to see complete presenter biographies.