
Investing in Local: When Supportive Policy Meets On-the-Ground Action

Two Nourish leaders — Marianne Katusin in Ontario and Donna Koenig in British Columbia — are innovating with their menus, purchasing and supply chains to get more local food on the patient tray. Both are working in provinces that are making local food promotion a priority through supportive policy environments that enable local purchasing.

Nourish Fall 2017 Newsletter: Connecting the Seams of Patient Care With Food

While the food that is served at a healthcare institution exists as a line item in a budget, it can also be an opportunity to connect to a broader continuum of patient care. Comforting and healing food is one of the most fundamental touchpoints in a healthcare experience that connects the patient to a feeling of safety and comfort in a foreign space that feels far away from their home.

Letting Patients Guide Our Actions: Food for Thought!

Not everyone equates hospitals as a place for a pleasant dining experience, but the Nutrition and Food Service (NFS) team within Alberta Health Services is aiming to change that perception! Operating food services at 107 sites, NFS aims to put patients and their families at the centre of everything they do. Read more.