Travis Durham and Grove Park Home win the award for Travis's Nourish work on on-site honey production and gardening.
Michelle's Team Leads Successful Transition to Room Service
Service aux chambres Délipapilles de Sainte-Justine a gagné un prix du public ainsi que le prix 'coup de coeur du jury' au Concours DUX 2018.
Bone Broth at Yukon Hospital
Leslie and her food service team have made locally-sourced bone broth a reality for patients at Yukon Hospital. Learn more about what motivated them and how they undertook the project in this slide deck, and review the related organizational policy here.
Travis Celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day at Grove Park with a Traditional Menu
June 21 marked National Indigenous Peoples Day, and to celebrate and honour the day, Travis brought Huron-Wendat and Anishinabek dishes to the Grove Park Home menu. We interviewed travis to learn how it all came about and to hear his takeaways from the day. Read the interview here.
Patients and staff enjoy traditional foods at Saskatchewan Health Authority Regina on National Indigenous Peoples Day
To celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21, Stephanie and her food and nutrition staff at Saskatchewan Health Authority facilities in Regina served up delicious traditional dishes to both staff and patients. We interviewed Stephanie to learn about how she and her team planned this menu and what inspired her. Read it here.
Hospital garden in full swing in Regina
Home cooked meals served at Northern Health
Welcome to Fasken Law & Buy Social Canada
Today we are delighted to officially welcome Fasken Law and Buy Social Canada as our partners on this project to bring value-based food procurement to Canadian health care. Under the leadership of Buy Social Canada's David Le Page and Maija FIorante, a scan of best-in-class social procurement language is currently underway. With the legal expertise of award-winning firm Fasken Law, led by Kathryn Beck, Vanessa Mui, and Daniel Fabiano, we will bring this research to life by developing and open-sourcing tested language for adoption by health care food purchasers. Read more here.
Milton District Hospital has increased appetite for locally sourced food
Halton Healthcare Hospitals Serve Up More Fresh Local Food
Halton Healthcare Hospitals Serve Up More Fresh Local Food: New menu items bring the ‘farm to bedside’. Read the release here.
Upcoming Traditional Food Program Webinar: Feb 15
The Nourish Collaborative Project team on Traditional & Cultural Food Programs invites you to a conversation about their next steps in building capacity for delivering traditional and cultural food programs in health care. Taking place on Thursday, February 15, 3pm-4pm EST. Registration here.
Glengarry Garden Video
We have a new Director starting mid December and as a region are in the early stages of finding out his vision for the future of food within Interior Health. We would like to move from our current rethermalization system in acute facilities to a just in time model - cooking and serving right up on the floors. Meals shouldn't just be at set times if someone wants a grilled cheese for breakfast and an omelette for lunch and diferent serving times we should be able to provide this (within reason)
Also, we’ve commenced a four month pilot project ( Sept – Dec) in collaboration with Thunder Bay District Health Unit and Regional Distribution Food Association at our most popular stadia / arena’s concession where 70% of the menu has been replaced with healthy and traditional foods. Tho only a few weeks in, I’m beginning to hear some excellent feed-back. I’ll provide more details and an update later in October when I’ve more statistical data & feedback to report on.
Thunder Bay lost its local fish processing plant 20+ years ago. A couple young local entrepreneurs started up a new one & their doors opened ~ 4 weeks ago(Canadian Freshwater Fish). This upstart company built indigenous relationships & buys it’s fresh fish direct from on-reserve commercial fisherman. Thus we’ve been able to tick a couple boxes on this success. We will be further experimenting with fish pieces and renderings into some recipes.
I appreciate the efforts of Nourish and it’s cohorts(Cathy & others) who’ve brought awareness of traditional foods forward. Tho I practice on a personal basis, I hadn’t connected incorporating into an institutional food stream.