Source: Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe’iyewigamig Health Access Center
Year: 2020
“This resource is the result of a partnership with community members and the WNHAC team. This resource highlights the connection between TRADITIONAL FOODS & HEALTH. The pages of this booklet share the important role of traditional foods as medicine. Food – in addition to GUIDANCE FROM A HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL and/or TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE KEEPER – is the best medicine to stay well. TRADITIONAL FOODS are connected to: THE LAND, LANGUAGE, and ENVIRONMENT. Colonization has broken connections to traditional foods and medicines. For this reason, we see an increase in chronic disease and food insecurity in communities. Reclaiming traditional diets is a way to be more food secure AND to prevent and treat diet-related illnesses. In this way, traditional foods and land-based food practices are healing. THIS TRADITIONAL FOOD GUIDE is built on ANISHINAABE LANGUAGE AND WISDOM. Honouring and sharing Anishinaabe knowledge is the best way to heal and care for each other.”